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WGA 2021 E-Booklet

Honouring our Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

Gerald Lu
Provins Sommelier of the Year (Semi-Finalist)
Head Sommelier
Praelum Wine Bistro Singapore
Sommelier of the Year (Semi-Finalist)
Hosting Establishment(s)
France, Burgundy and Champagne
This trip has served 2 purposes for me in great Sommelier fashion. A focused visit and exploration of white wines and the villages that make them in Burgundy together with some of the biggest and most exciting names making white burgundy has made me more aware of the history, thoughts and techniques that make the world’s most expensive white wines. The visit with Caroline has also let me think about the challenges that women face in industries that have traditionally been run by men, and to be more aware and conscious of women in my industry.

Secondly, attending the ASI assembly rejuvenated a lot of fighting spirit in me not just as a Sommelier, but a Singaporean Sommelier. Despite being small and with no history of wine or Sommellerie, we now draw attention as a country that is seemingly punching above their weight. Whilst the World’s Best maybe a little time away, the constant need to grow and watch other more established Associations will undoubtedly be the way to go for a young Association like us in Singapore. I look forward to leading Sommellerie in SG to stand amongst the giants in the world.
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